January for us is a bit of a non-starter month for us. We don't really go for the whole exercise every day or going vegan. We let January happen, see what the year ahead has in store and then get going in February. Here's a bit of an update of what might be coming up in 2019!

2019 brings with it a new job for me. Although I started just before Christmas, I've only just been getting stuck in this term. I provide pastoral support for a college, working to help students achieve their goals, and providing targeted support. I have a variety of mental health issues on the books, so I get to keep putting my knowledge into working practice.
They are investing in Mental Health First Aid for staff (yay!), and I may be getting the opportunity to be part of the Well-Being Steering Group and gain more safeguarding training. My line manager has been so supportive already, I just hope I don't wear it out.
My job is part-time, so I get a whole day off a week that I can put to other uses. The picture above is from my day today. One of my hopes this year is that I get to deliver more Mental Health Awareness Training, starting in Bristol. I spent my afternoon tailoring the session I did last April to meet the needs of the church I am visiting in March. I really loved the last session, and I hope this one goes well too.
Going with this is the development of resources. I have started already by putting a resources section at the top, but I would like to create and add more. I have a few ideas in the pipeline, so very grateful that I get the time to do them well. If there's anything you think you're missing or you can't find anywhere else, please get in touch and I can see what I can do.
My main hope this year is that we will get closer to being a Mentally Healthy Church. A Church that will be able to recognise and understand mental health difficulties, be able to come alongside and support individuals better, all the while pressing into the Kingdom of God.
I'm excited to see what else is in store this year, so watch this space!